This is a collection of emails I have received over the years. I have tried to remove all names, email addresses and some company names.
Except the redaction of personal identifiable information, the contents of the emails are shown exactly as I received them.
The emails tend to be in one of these categories.
Accusing me of wrongdoings
Thinking I’m responsible for or know anything about a product (that probably uses curl)
Random weirdness
To the best of my knowledge, none of these emails were sent ironically or as jokes.
Each email contains prev/next links in the bottom.
start here, here or here.
I am Daniel Stenberg. I am the lead developer of curl. curl runs in some twenty billion installations worldwide. The curl license appears in many places and contains my email address.
I used to. Over time I learned that is very hard to bridge the knowledge gap, plus the fact that many users will just consider whatever I say as excuses for not helping them the way they want.
It simple takes too much time and energy. I almost never respond to these emails anymore.